a credit card with a few paper receipt

a credit card with a few paper receipt

Popular in the U.K., Curve will be launching soon in the U.S.. Curve is an app and a card whereby you load any of your existing rewards cards into it and then when you pay with Curve you’ll earn the rewards on the card you have loaded plus extra cash back on top from Curve. The card should be launching sometime this month but you can join the waitlist right now to become a beta user. Beta users will receive 1% cashback on all purchases on top of any rewards you already receive on your current card.

If the Curve Card in the U.S. will operate like the one in the U.K. you’ll then be able to continue your cash back earning from Curve past 6 months by referring people to the program. In the U.K. you get 30 days of cash back for each person you refer.

There is also a really cool feature from Curve called ‘Go Back in Time’ where you can switch a payment you had made on one of your linked cards to another one within 30 days of the transaction. This is perfect if you happen to pay with one card and realized one of your others actually has a better earn rate for that spend category.

Click here to join the Curve USA waitlist!

Image via Curve


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