There are actually quite a few promotions within Aeroplan’s Black Friday Spectacular that they launched today. From the eStore offer (covered here) to a multiple offer usage bonus and more. One of those offers is a bonus on buying Aeroplan points. You can earn a 50% bonus when you buy points between today and November 29th. As long as you buy the minimum of 2,000 points you’ll get the 50% bonus. Here’s a look at what it costs to buy the maximum amount of points:
With this offer Aeroplan is allowing members to buy up to 350,000 points which means with the bonus you would end up with 525,000 points. The 50% bonus puts the price of each points at C$ 2 cents. This is an OK price but nothing like what we saw when Aeroplan first launched the option of buying points earlier this year. There are definitely times where you will be able to get way above 2 cents in value when redeeming for flights, namely in business and first class but it may tougher for economy class flights.
Buying points will count as using one offer towards the multiple offer bonus of up to 5,000 bonus points: