A few days ago my wife told me about this new Kickstarter project for an Antimicrobial Brass Door Opener and Stylus. We looked at it, decided to back it and ordered some of them. According to the latest email we have received from Hygiene Hand they should be shipping out next week some time.
So what is this Hygiene Hand? It is a small brass tool that you can use to pull doors open, touch screens like ATMs and much more. Essentially it provides a way to touch surfaces that can be contaminated without actually touching them by hand or finger. Normally I don’t write about products like these, especially if they aren’t travel related but I do see this product being extremely useful when you do travel. Think about your seat on the airplane and the inflight entertainment system. On so many airlines the IFE is primarily a touch screen so you can use this tool to navigate it without actually touching it!

Image courtesy of Air Canada

According to Hygiene Hands brass is inherently antimicrobial so it should help prevent the spread of germs. Even if it isn’t I like the concept of having it as tool to perform the actual touching of high contact areas rather than using my own hands or fingers. Ultimately I see as a way to being able to limit potential exposure. I can see utilizing the tool to open doors at airports, hotels and so many other places. I can see us using it for self check in touch screens at the airport or hotel. It really seems like there can be so many potential uses for it.

We backed and ordered the project at the $85 level where we will get 5 of the tools – one for each member of the family and one extra. I’ll follow up another post once we receive them and have a chance to use them in our everyday lives. Granted it most likely won’t be travel related just yet but we should be able to extrapolate day to day use to future travel use.
Learn more about and order the Hygiene Hand Antimicrobial Brass Door Opener and Stylus here*
All images via Hygiene Hands unless otherwise noted
I can’t tell if you’re joking or if this is meant to be serious.
I’m pretty sure it’s a joke, right.
You didn’t spend almost $100 on 5 brass key rings did you?
If so…. uhm, I have 10x brass anti microbial sticks for sale. They are much more practical than these, as you can hit buttons from 5 feet away instead of 2 inches. You can press elevator buttons from OUTSIDE the elevator. So, you know, you’re even safer!
Saying a silent prayer for humanity; ‘please be a joke blog post. please be a joke blog post. No one can spend money on these sorts of things and still have the cognitive ability to use a keyboard, right??*