a screen shot of a phone

Seeing that FFB  is Canadian based and our main program is Aeroplan this is great
news for us and for many of you from the team at Aeroplan! You can now book your Aeroplan award
tickets via their app for iOS, Android and Blackberry!

Here is how it works:
  1. Under the ‘Use Your Miles’ section, select ‘Book a Flight.’ A Flight Rewards search form will
  2. Select desired City/Airport location and select date field. Click ‘Done’.
  3. A list of potential itineraries will populate show casing both of Aeroplan’s travel options: Fixed
    Mileage Flight Rewards (limited number of seats exclusively offered to members on Air
    Canada and Star Alliance) and Market Fare Flight Rewards (access to any seat, at any time,
    on all Air Canada flights based on market fares at time of booking).
  4. After you select a flight, a Trip Summary Page will appear.
  5. The member is then prompted to enter passenger details,contact information and payment
    entry information.
  6. Booked!

have been waiting for this for sometime as I have wanted to search
availability before when the only device I had near me was my phone.
This will make that a lot easier now!

How about the rest of you? Are you excited about this new addition to the app?

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