When we were the first to bring you this offer shortly before Christmas what we didn’t know is that the offer required a promo code to complete registration. The offer seems to had been sent out by IHG to various airline partners for them to start promoting it but it lacked this promo code. We are happy to tell you that we have it now and you should be able to complete your registration for this Double Miles offer that starts today. That promo code is 10123 (Global Code) (built into the link below to make it easier for you) or 10091 (China Code) and we want to remind you that this promotion starts today. You do have to make sure you have your earning preference with IHG Rewards Club set to miles otherwise they won’t let you register.
This is a great option for those of you who may have an upcoming IHG stay and can’t meet the goals of the Set Your Sights promotion. This
bonus kicks in right with the first stay and you’ll earn Double Miles on
all IHG stays up to a maximum of 10,000 miles (or 1,250 miles in the
case of Canada’s Air Miles coalition program) from January 7 to April
Offer details:
Double Airline Miles for stays at IHG Hotel stays Worldwide. Maximum of
10,000 bonus miles awarded during the promotional period. Full details, online registration and booking (Registration is required) Register by Apr 30 for stays Jan 7 – Apr 30, 15
Participating airlines (Updated to new list of airlines – airberlin, Alaska Airlines, Alitalia, JetBlue, TAP, EL Al removed, LANPASS and GOL added):