a girl jumping with balloons in the air

A month or so ago we brought you the details of the Alitalia young program that offers a lot of bonuses for youth and we mentioned that not enough attention is paid to young people in regards to loyalty marketing. True the young don’t and can’t spend money on flights and hotels like those in their 30s, 40s, 50s or older but it is never too early to garner their loyalty. Some programs have realized this, Alitalia as we mentioned, South African targeted 20 year olds earlier this and there is always the ongoing JetFriends program from Miles & More.  Now we have this small carrier from the Azores this is also acknowledging the young traveller with a sign up bonus for their Imagine program. This follows last Fall’s promotion from them for bonus miles for referring 12-16 year olds to the program!

Here are the simple offer details
2,000 Free Imagine Miles for children aged 2 to 11 who join the SATA Imagine program in June. Full details 

Can’t make use of this promotion? Be sure to check out our Imagine Bonus Miles page for more offers!

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