Disclaimer: For those outside of Sweden the points may not be guaranteed but it doesn’t hurt to try this method if you are looking to join the EuroBonus program

Today we posted this offer on FFB’s EuroBonus Bonus Points page:

Earn up to 8,000 EuroBonus points when you join the EuroBonus program. Full details
Earn 500 when you complete the form and join the program, earn
an additional 1,500 for watching some videos and 6,000 more if you apply
for and receive an SAS EuroBonus co-branded credit card.

The page that “Full details” leads to is in Swedish and we can’t seem to find an English version and that is because we assume it is only meant for those living in Sweden. I gave it a try when signing up stating I was from Canada and that didn’t work. So I changed my country to Sweden (you don’t have to put in a house address just yet but you do have to put in mobile number, it seems any nine digits will work) and it let me sign for the program. That’s step 1 which gave me 500 points.

a close up of a text

Step 2 is only for Swedes, they’ll get 6,000 more points when they get a SAS EuroBonus co-branded credit card

Step 3 is one that everyone else should be able to complete and that is for 1,500 more points for watching videos and answering questions. The only way to access those videos is from the welcome email you get from EuroBonus:

a screenshot of a video game

Click the link and it takes you this page which will have your name and EuroBonus auto populated so I can’t just copy and paste the URL for you

a screenshot of a website

When you finish each video you have to answer questions relating to the video, the good thing is since I don’t understand Swedish the quiz lets you change your answer a couple of time until you have each one right! If you click too many wrong answers just watch the video again and then answer the questions.

The points from the videos and quiz also posted right away:

a close-up of a white background

Now I have  2,000 points in my EuroBonus account, which means I’ll only need 23 Avis rentals for a North American Award ticket!  I will eventually update my EuroBonus profile to my correct address and such but don’t believe I’ll need to do it until I get closer to redeeming.

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