a red logo with a star and wingsIt seems like we are posting some sort of new ‘Elite Status’ offer or promotion every day now as the end of the year approaches! From fast track offers, to bonus EQMs the offers all vary. One we saw from Royal Air Maroc’s Safar Flyer in 2012 returns for this year. That offer is where you convert your Safar Flyer Miles into Elite Qualifying Miles. You can convert up to 50,000 Safar Flyer Miles at a rate of 5:1 into Qualifying miles. Which means you can add up to 10,000 EQMs to you elite qualifying for 2014. For information purposes Silver Elite requires 20,000 EQMs and Gold requires 35,000 EQMs. To take advantage of this offer your request must be received by RAM by December 30. Full details can be found here.

Keep your privileged status or reach a higher level!

To allow you to keep your current privileged status or to reach even a
higher level, Safar Flyer once again launches its qualifying Miles
conversion offer until December 30th, 2013.  Take advantage of this opportunity now and get up to 10,000 qualifying Miles by sending your request to

Furthermore, enjoy a new simplified scale: each 500 Reward-Miles allows you to have 100 Qualifying Miles!

* Miles can be converted from your individual account or from the
Family Advantage account to which the member is linked (upon the
exclusive request of the guardian of the account).

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