The latest set of IHG’s Stay X Get Y targeted bonus offers are now out. If you are veteran points earner these need no explanation however if you are new to these bonuses here is a quick summary of what they are. They are a ‘targeted’ bonus that IHG has been releasing for many years now, typically for each quarter and rewards the member with bonus points for completing a certain amount of stays or nights. These offers can be stacked with other IHG bonus like the current systemwide promotion of Double Points. Now I put targeted into quotes as these offers are emailed out to select members and only they are supposed to be able to use them however as has been long known with IHG this is not the case. In fact most people find that they are able to sign up for many of these ‘targeted’ offers with no issue and receive the bonus points. The Stay X Get Y offers are a little different however as you may be rejected on one of the codes but not another. The best bet with these ones is to find the offer that most closely matches your stay pattern for the promotional period and try to sign up for that one first. If it doesn’t work go on to the next one and so on and so forth. Here is the offer as it will appear on FFB’s Priority Club page later today
Earn up to 30,000 Bonus Priority Club Points for
a certain amount of nights or completing a certain amount of
stays at participating InterContinental® Hotels &
Resorts, Crowne Plaza®, Hotel Indigo™, Holiday Inn®,
Express by Holiday Inn™ and Holiday Inn Express® hotels
worldwide. Nights do not have to be consecutive. Do not sign up until the previous quarter is
over. Use the following codes to register online
(use the smallest amount first and then go on to the next if you
do not qualify, however once you do qualify for one you cannot
sign up for any others):
Stay 3 Nights, Get 2,500 – Code 4993
Stay 3 Nights, Get 2,500 – Code 6832
Stay 3 Nights, Get 2,500 – Code 6834
Stay 5 Nights, Get 5,000 – Code 4001
Stay 7 Nights, Get 10,000 – Code 2511
Stay 7 Nights, Get 10,000 – Code 2971
Stay 10 Nights, Get 15,000 – Code 4003
Stay 18 Nights, Get 20,000 – Code 6002
Stay 25 Nights, Get 30,000 – Code 7031
Register online with one of the codes from above.