a credit card with numbers and numbers on itAnother credit card offer with an increased sign up bonus, not a huge increase but still good nonetheless. Also the spend requirement to earn the bonus miles has been reduced to $4,500 in three months versus the previous $15,000 in six months.

Starwood Preferred Guest
* Earn up to 30,000 Bonus Starpoints enough for 3 free nights at a Category 4 hotel.when you apply for and receive the Starwood Preferred Guest Credit Card from American Express
* Redeem Starpoints for free nights at over 1,000 hotels and resorts in nearly 100 countries and for free flights on over 350 airlines – all with no blackout dates.
* Earn at least 4 Starpoints per eligible dollar at participating hotels & resorts
* 2011 SmarterTravel® Award for “Best Travel Rewards Card”
* Enjoy the first year with no annual fee – a savings of $65.
Offer valid until Aug 22, 11

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