Press release from LoyLogic:

November 23, 2009

Loylogic enables the mobile communication channel for loyalty programs.
Loyalty program members can now redeem their points via the iPhone

Zurich, Switzerland and Atlanta/GA, USA – Loylogic will launch another innovation: the first full blown loyalty program application that allows for real-time points redemption with the Apple iPhone. MobApp™ is the latest addition to Loylogic’s portfolio of loyalty solutions and enables loyalty programs around the world, to add the mobile communication channel through an easy-to-integrate and easy-to-manage turnkey solution.
Loylogic MobApp™ will soon be launched with the first program client and once again will provide the loyalty industry with an innovative and customer-friendly tool to deepen engagement and program satisfaction.

Member Experience – Get full access.
Loylogic MobApp™ loyalty provides program members all relevant program information at any time and anywhere. Members will be able to
• view program account information;
• check the latest partner promotions;
• browse a list of all program partners;
• retrieve general program information;
• benefit of channel-exclusive promotions;
• redeem points through an easy-to-navigate reward shop.

Program Experience – Drive member engagement.
By opening the mobile channel for members, loyalty programs around the world make sure to cope with the quickly changing needs of their mobile member base. Launching an iPhone application will increase the relevancy of the program, boost member engagement and help companies to stay top of mind with their most valuable customers.
In addition, loyalty programs get an opportunity to offer an exclusive promotional channel to participating program partners. The feature helps strengthening partnerships with key program stakeholders and adds new points earning opportunities for members.

Easy to Get!
Loylogic MobApp™ is suitable for any loyalty program and can be implemented within a short time frame. Loylogic also handles the entire application registering process with Apple worldwide.
The solution is supported by a dedicated Content Management System that can be managed by the program team or outsourced to Loylogic for a small management fee.
Loylogic MobApp™ is easily skinned in a program’s look and feel, and will add a series of innovative features in 2010.

About Loylogic
Loylogic is the leading provider of global points ‘earn’ and ‘burn’ solutions to loyalty programs. We help our program customers to boost member engagement by combining loyalty innovation with state-of-the-art technology and the fastest-growing global merchant network. Loylogic Inc. is an independent company with headquarters in Zurich, Switzerland and offices in Atlanta, USA and Dubai, UAE. For more information, visit

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