This newest Rocketmiles promotion is being hailed as the richest offer to date for the third party hotel booking site. The offer seems simple, double miles for Jet Airways JetPrivilege members who book and complete hotel stays via Rocketmiles. Double doesn’t seem like much but when the base miles earned range from 500 to 20,000 miles, meaning an actual earn of 1,000 to 40,000 miles, that 40K is pretty huge! Granted I’m thinking a hotel that has a base earn of 20,000 miles through Rocketmiles is going to be a pretty pricey. We did a quick search for New York City and found one hotel at the 20,000 (40,000 with bonus) level, The Trump Soho. It runs $990 per night for a stay Oct 19-20.
Offer details
Double JPMiles on all hotel stays booked via Rocketmiles. Full details & online booking. Book by Nov 30 for stays until Dec 31, 16